
The Abandoned Incinerator: Fort Worth, Texas

After too many hours of Facebook stalking this abandoned incinerator in Fort Worth, I set out with my friend Katey to find this awesome place once and for all. No trespassing was involved, which was a refreshing twist compared to many of my other adventures. Once we found the incinerator we were blown away. This thing is huge! The graffiti engulfs the entire building from floor to ceiling, making it an artists dream come true. It amazed me that this place is just existing in a field with no protection whatsoever. A staircase on the side of the building leads you to numerous different rooms and areas to explore. I ended up going back with my friend Suzi to film a dope music video for our writing class because we needed some graffiti as a backdrop, and I was amazed at this place all over again. Tip: if you go, watch out for the holes in the floor...you could step in them and loose a foot.