
Rock Island State Park: Rock Island, Tennessee

Desperate for adventure, my sister Alexandra and I set out to find a waterfall in Rock Island, Tennessee. After showing up at the wrong part of the state park, we eventually stumbled upon our intended destination. Now let me tell you, getting down to the water isn't for rookies. Chaocs were my best friend that day...and my GoPro of course. They don't call it Rock Island for no reason. My sister and I problem solved and used team work to get across the rocks to reach the water. Now who knows if we took the most difficult route without knowing it, regardless we left that park smarter than we entered. The water was freezing but we made a pact to dunk our heads together and ended up doing some swimming, not to mention making hilarious videos underwater. I count the day as a success and would definitely go back, maybe getting closer to the waterfall next time.